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Larry G. Raff, MPH

President - Copley Raff Inc.

Larry Raff, President of Copley Raff Inc., a global consultancy to nonprofits in support of fundraising and management, has a distinguished 40-year career in advancement. He is the Principal and creator of AbacusTM Major Donor Ask Calculator LLC and is of-counsel to Rising Tide Direct. Since 2011, he has authored the GivingTake blog with an international following. He co-created the Master Gift OfficerTM four-day immersion event and approach to training gift officers.

Larry was a driving force in creating the Oregon Food Bank, the nation’s first statewide food bank network, wrote the first book on food banking, and directed the nation’s first state-wide study of hunger factors.  He founded and is a trustee of the Autoimmune Disease Research Foundation. He served as President and CEO of the Legacy Emanuel Medical Center Foundation in Portland, OR, and as Chair of the Friday Forum in Boston.