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Some Must-Dos to Launch a Campaign

Every organization and situation is different, to be sure. When launching a campaign, though, I strongly recommend a firm sequence of events. Leadershp: Members of Leadership make the first campaign commitments. The CEO, board chair, campaign co/chairs, and Chief Development Officer are the first to give. They may not be the largest gifts, but they make the campaign real in ...

Volunteers Have Become Spot Players in Advancement Strategies

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Ten years ago, I wrote a GivingTake post addressing the Calculus of Staff vs. Volunteer Driven Fundraising. Over the past decade, Copley Raff's client organizations, whether engaged in advancement strategic planning or campaign planning and counsel, have been adapting as the availability and effectiveness of advancement volunteers have declined further ...

Your Personal Bias About Money May Be Hurting Your Cause

With 30 years as an advancement executive and consultant under my belt at the time, I had this nagging feeling about how I, or my team, arrived at major gift ask amounts. So, I set out to address this vexing issue. Research: I conducted research over several years during live sessions, asking 400+ fundraisers to suggest what pledge they would ask ...

Unlock the Secret of the Happiness U-Curve

Life's rollercoaster of satisfaction isn't just random - it follows a fascinating U-curve pattern that transcends wealth and borders. Picture this: the exuberance of youth fading, hitting rock bottom in those challenging 40s and 50s, only to soar higher than ever in later years. Incredibly, even our primate cousins experience this emotional journey! But here's the kicker: Throwing money at happiness ...

Donor “street” research is essential

Subscription services like DonorSearch and Wealth Engine are the go-to donor research tools. They are the best tools you have—until they are not. We all have many examples of wealth estimates being wildly off, high, or low. Why it matters: There is no substitute for what I call “street” research. Find out all you can about the donor from people ...

Staff-Driven vs. Volunteer-Based Fundraising Models

Stakeholder organizations rely on fundraising, commonly using either staff-driven or volunteer-based models. Professional fundraisers drive the former, developing strategies and campaigns. This promises expertise, focus, and consistency but limits scale and relationships. Volunteers lead the latter, canvassing, planning events, and stewarding donors. This enables scale and connections but varies in skill and effort. Best option: Ultimately, the best approach depends ...